Knife Shows and AIS
Our Abrasive Industrial Supplies (AIS) production manager, Jon Kukowski, recently attended a couple of Knife Making Shows - one in Ohio and one in Wisconsin.
When he was asked to attend the show in Troy, Ohio he was a little skeptical because it was a new application for our abrasives, but the knife makers in attendance quickly won him over. Here's what he had to say after the show, "I drooled over so many of the knives the makers had handcrafted and displayed on their tables. They were all truly works of art! Though I'm not a collector and had promised myself to not spend money, I gave in to temptation and purchased three beautiful knives and a burl bowl."
The knives above were crafted by John Davis of John H. Davis Knives in Freetown Illinois. According to Jon, the stories behind the knives and their designs are part of what makes them so special.
"This incredible Burl Bowl was the first thing that caught my eye when I walked into the show," Jon said. It was created by Pete from Big Monk Lumber. You can also find Big Monk Lumber on Facebook.
Not long after that show, Jon attended the Badger Knife Show, sponsored by the Badger Knife Club in Janesville, Wisconsin. While at the show, he reconnected with several bladesmiths and met lots of new ones. He once again, returned home with several knives from two makers (photos below) as well as several ideas for how AIS can work with knife makers.
A pair of folding knives by Jim Moenck of Moenck Knives featuring beautiful Damascus steel.
This hunting knife, also by Jim Moenck, includes a hand made sheath with rope stitching.
The above Filet Knife was crafted by Jim Behring of Treeman Knives and came complete with the sheath.
Last, but certainly not least, is this beautiful forged knife by Jim Behring at Treeman Knives.
We have plans to attend more knife shows in our area including the Twin Cities Knife Show, September 30 to October 2 in Bloomington, Minnesota (just up the road from us).