Staying Safe in the Summer Heat

Don't Take a Vacation on Safety! It's even more important in the heat and humidity of summer. Quick, what's the first thing you think about when the word 'summer' gets thrown around? Is it vacations on a tropical beach, a break from the hustle of getting everyone out the door...

Knife Sharpening with Abrasive Belts

One of the first things when determining the right grit for knife sharpening is to clarify what method of sharpening you’re talking about. Are you using a sharpening stone or are you using a belt sharpening? There’s a huge difference between the two and where a lot of the confusion...

Knife Shows and AIS

Our Abrasive Industrial Supplies (AIS) production manager, Jon Kukowski, recently attended a couple of Knife Making Shows - one in Ohio and one in Wisconsin.  When he was asked to attend the show in Troy, Ohio he was a little skeptical because it was a new application for our abrasives,...